Comodıf, Farplas Automotıve’s Fırst Venture, Has Spun-Off

Juil 21, 2022 4 Min ÉvénementsNEWS FROM US

Comodif, a pioneer in « connected vehicle technologies, » was inspired by two of our engineer colleagues as our first intrepreneurship venture. Comodif successfully completed its spin-off following the Better Future Path acceleration program at Fark Labs Innovation Center.

Comodif adds value to real-time data. It collects data from all types of mobile vehicles and converts it into valuable end-user services for automobile and EV manufacturers,shared mobility operators, fleets and insurance companies that want to remain competitive in the rapidly expanding field of mobility and transportation. Its current technology empowers the driving experience, increase driving quality, and reduce the carbon footprint with fuel optimization. Because of Comodif’s simple and adaptable business strategy, corporate customers can offer services to their clients on a monthly subscription basis while avoiding the upfront costs associated with in-vehicle hardware and technological infrastructure.

Comodif has formed significant partnerships with well-known companies such as Fiat, Renault, and Turkcell, and was named the connected vehicle technology company of the year by the Autotech Breakthrough Awards in 2020. This is one of the most compelling examples of how manufacturers can also develop cutting-edge digital business models. Comodif will continue to serve its customers from its Fark Labs TEKMER offices.

We would like to congratulate the Comodif team on their contributions to a better future and wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors.